International Nurse’s Day MNS : सेना में भी भेदभाव …!

लेखक : बीजेपी के पूर्व प्रदेश प्रवक्ता और मुख्यमंत्री उत्तराखंड के मीडिया सलाहकार भी रहे हैं ।
Youth icon Yi Report

आज अंतर्राष्ट्रीय नर्स दिवस ( International Nurse’s Day) है । नर्सिंग कार्य सेवा का दूसरा नाम है ।ऐसी संवेदनशील सेवा जो दवा से अधिक अपने व्यवहार और निरंतरता से रोगी को ठीक करती है । आम तौर पर रोगी के उपचार में चिकित्सक का ही महत्वपूर्ण योगदान माना जाता है किन्तु जहां उसका पूरा उपचार होता है उस स्थान को नर्सिंग होम कहना साबित करता है कि रोगी के पूर्ण स्वस्थ होने में उसकी निरंतर देखभाल उसका रोग खोजने से अधिक महत्वपूर्ण है ।
निजी क्षेत्र की नर्सिंग सेवा ढीले श्रम क़ानूनों और असंगठित नर्सों के कारण अत्यधिक उपेक्षित स्थिति में हैं । केंद्र और राज्य की सरकारी अस्पतालों में नर्सेस एसोशिएसन जरूर अपने वेतन और सुविधाओं के लिए संगठित हो जाते हैं किन्तु अपने स्तर व बराबरी के लिए गंभीर नहीं होते हैं ।
आज भी निजी क्षेत्र को छोड़ भी दें लेकिन भारतीय सेना में यह भेदभाव स्पष्ट रूप से दिखाई देता है । सेना की सबसे बड़ी महिला कोर आज भी सरकारों के द्वारा गंभीर संज्ञान न लेने के कारण सेना के भीतर पुरुष प्रधान मानसिकता के कारण उपेक्षा पूर्ण स्थिति में है । मिलिट्री नर्सिंग सर्विस (MNS) अपनी पहचान और सम्मान के लिए संघर्ष कर रही हैं ।
सेना में अन्य फोर्स की तरह दुर्गम स्थानों मे बराबरी के साथ तैनाती देने वाली सेना की यह महत्वपूर्ण कोर पूरी तरह सैन्य चिकित्सा सेवा के लिए समर्पित है । किसी सैन्य रोगी के उपचार में सेना के दो अंग AMC व MNS महत्वपूर्ण हैं AMC के तहत सेना के चिकित्सक और MNS के तहत सेना की नर्सें आती हैं । AMC व MNS एक दूसरे की पूरक हैं । सैन्य नियमों की व्यवस्था के तहत MNS, AMC के अधीन संचालित होती है । MNS की नर्सिंग अधिकारी Principal Matron से लेकर Additional Director General तक के सर्वोच्च पद तक पहुँचती हैं । किन्तु वे चाहते हुए भी अपनी कोर के अधिकारों के लिए याचना ही कर सकती हैं । वह पूरी तरह AMC के सर्वोच्च पद Director General Medical Service Army (DGMS Army ) पर पूरी तरह निर्भर है । उन्हें अपनी कठिन सेवा के कारण प्रशासनिक (Administrative) मामलों में कमतर माना जाता है । सैन्य मुख्यालयों में कमजोर पैरवी के कारण आज भी MNS निचले पायदान पर है ।
सेना के नर्सिंग कालेजों के विज्ञापन जिसमें कमिशंड ऑफिसर के लिए आमंत्रित किया जाता है । नर्सिंग कालेज की पढ़ाई के बाद नर्सिंग अधिकारी बनने पर पता चलता है कि उन्हें पूरे जीवन सेना के भीतर अन्य सैन्य अधिकारियों से बराबरी के अधिकार के लिए जूझना पड़ता है । सेना का महत्वपूर्ण अंग होने के बाद भी MNS को ऑक्जिलियरी फोर्स माना जाता है । अर्थात MNS एक सहायक संगठन मात्र है । इन पंक्तियों से नर्सिंग सेवा की अधिकारियों का कितना मनोबल टूटता है, जब उन्हे You are not a complete part of the Indian Army Because you do not come under army act जैसे जुमलों से दो चार होना पड़ता है । सुविधा और सम्मान के खिलाफ किसी के आत्मसम्मान के विपरीत इससे अधिक क्रूर स्थिति और क्या हो सकती है, जहां बराबरी का सम्मान देने के लिए Army Act का सहारा लिया जाता है वहीं उनसे सेवा के प्रति पूरे समर्पण की अपेक्षा लिए सेना के नियम 39 A (बिना छुट्टी लिए अनुपस्थित) रहने पर सैन्य नियमों के तहत कार्यवाही व सेना के नियम 69 (वरिष्ठों का सम्मान गोपनीयता आदि ) लागू किया जाता है । कल्पना की जा सकती है कि सेना में नर्सिंग सेवा की ये लगभग 5 हजार महिला अधिकारी कितनी मानसिक यंत्रणा और अवसाद की शिकार हैं जिन्हे कठिन युद्ध क्षेत्रों UN Mission और कठिन भौगोलिक परिस्थितियों में तैनात तो किया जाता है, किन्तु वेतन के मामले में ग्रेड पे से वंचित कर दिया जाता है । MNS आज भी पे Pay band 4 से वंचित हैं । नर्सिंग सेवा की एक अवकाश प्राप्त वरिष्ठ अधिकारी ने आगामी Seventh Pay commission में भी अन्य सैन्य अधिकारियों से भारी कम वेतन की आशंका जताई है ।
जहां MNS हर दौर में अपने अधिकारों के लिए अनुशासन के साथ अपनी बात कहती आई है सेना MNS कोर की अनेक अधिकारियों ने सेवा से अवकाश लेने के बाद पहचान की लड़ाई जारी रखी इसलिए भी ये सवाल जरूरी हो जाते हैं जब देश में बेटी बचाओ बेटी पढ़ाओ जैसे अभियानो को प्रमुखता दी जा रही हो महिला सशक्तिकरण जैसे अभियान मोदी सरकार में व्यवहारिकता के साथ दिखाई भी दे रहे हों ऐसे में उम्मीद की जानी चाहिए कि एक समर्पित अनुशासित कोर के आत्म सम्मान के लिए प्रधानमंत्री स्वयं सुखद पहल करेंगे । अनेक स्तरों पर भी यह मामला पहुंचाया गया है क्योंकि यह सामान्य भेदभाव का विषय नहीं है , बल्कि सत्ता प्रतिष्ठानों में बैठे असंवेदनशील लोगों की घोर लापरवाही का नतीजा है ।
भेदभाव की बानगी यह है कि AMC के मेडिकल ऑफिसर को सेना से बाहर सेवा न देने के लिए नॉन प्रेक्टिसिंग अलाउंस NPA प्रदान किया जाता है । और उसी तरह की सेवा देने वाली MNS को यह सुविधा नहीं है । कुछ समय पहले MNS से ओलिव ग्रीन (OG) ड्रेस हटाकर बेज सफारी कर दी गई और AMC अधिकारियों की हास्यास्पद दलील थी कि, AMC और MNS को पहचानने में दिक्कत हो रही है, अगर इसी दलील को आधार बनाया जाय तो सेना की हर कोर को अलग रंग की वर्दियाँ पहनानी पड़ेंगी ।
सेना की ही अन्य कोर जैग ब्रांच, एडुकेशन कोर व ऑर्डिनेन्स कोर की महिला अधिकारी कॉमबेट फोर्स के बजाय सर्विस फोर्सेस की कैटेगरी में आती हैं जबकि उन्हें युद्ध क्षेत्र, कठिन, फील्ड व संवेदनशील क्षेत्रों में तैनाती नहीं दी जाती और वे MNS से इतर आर्मी एक्ट के तहत सैन्य अधिकारी मानी जाती हैं ।
कर्नल अरुण बाला (रिटायर्ड,) MNS अधिकारी उम्मीद जताती हैं कि नर्सिंग कोर के साथ न्याय होगा और उन्हें अपेक्षित बराबरी का हक जिसे वे चाहती हैं जरूर दिया जाएगा । ऐसी वह वर्तमान सरकार से अपेक्षा करती है । सेना को स्वत: संज्ञान लेकर 1926 में स्थापित और 1943 में कमिसंड मिलिट्री नर्सिंग सेवा को बराबरी का सम्मान देना चाहिए था । क्योंकि यह कोर सेना के कंधे से कंधे मिलाकर गौरवशाली इतिहास का महत्वपूर्ण अंग है । उत्तराखंड की जी. ए.राम. 1976 में मेजर जनरल के पद पर पहुँचने वाली नर्सिंग सेवा की अधिकारी थी । युद्ध क्षेत्र में तैनाती हो, विदेश में शांति सेना (UN Mission) हो, कारगिल का युद्ध हो या द्वितीय विश्व युद्ध में युद्ध बंदी तक की पीड़ा झेलने वाली सबसे पुरानी सैन्य महिला कोर MNS अगर अपने सम्मान और बराबरी के लिए संघर्ष करे तो आजादी के इतने वर्षों तक देश पर राज करने वाली सरकारों के रवैया पर सवाल उठना लाज़मी है ।
सेना के तीनों अंगों में नारियां परचम गाढ़ रही हैं। सेना में वे कॉमबेट फोर्स में आ रही हैं । वायु सेना में फाइटर पाइलट बन चुकी हैं । और नेवी के सब मरीन जैसे अत्याधुनिक युद्धपोत में उनकी तैनाती पर विचार चल रहा है, और उसके साथ ही साथ ही नर्सिंग सेवा अपने स्थापना के 90 सालों के बाद भी पहचान व बराबरी के लिए जूझे तो यह व्यवस्था पर बदनुमा दाग है ।
Copyright : Youth icon Yi National Creative Media , 12.05.2016

इस बारे में आवाज़ उठनी चाहिए जिसकी शुरुआत सतीश लखेरा जी ने कर दी है
इनकी श्रद्धा और कर्तव्य निष्ठा बिस्तर में पड़े घायल या बिमार सैनिक को ही पता है
Military Nursing Service (MNS) is the first corps or regiment of Indian Army which was open for recruitment to the Women in India and it still continues to be an all women Corps. It is the oldest and exclusive women officer’s organization of the Indian Armed Forces first formed under the British rule in 1888. The force went through many changes in its years of glorious existence:
(a) 1664: Military nursing was the earliest type of nursing. In 1664 the East India Company started a hospital for soldiers in a house at Fort St.George, Madras. The first sisters were sent from St Thomas’ Hospital, London to this Military Hospital.
(b) 1888: Indian Nursing Service was established. The first batch of British trained Army nurses arrived in India for services in station hospitals for British Troops. 06 Nurses were posted to Rawalpindi and 04 to Bangalore.
(c) 1896: it was designated as Indian Army Nursing Service (IANS).
(d) 1902: the Indian Army Nursing Service and the Army Nursing Service were combined and on 27 March 1902, it was re-designated to Queen Alexandra’s Imperial Military Nursing Service.
(e) 1914: The outbreak of World War I generated interest in the nursing care of the Indian Solders and a Temporary Indian Nursing Service (TINS) was started.
(f) 1926: After, the war on 1st October 1926, the Nursing Services was made a permanent part of British Indian Army. The Nursing Service for Indian troops’ hospital came into existence with 55 nurses, 12 matrons, 18 sisters and 25 staff nurses.
(g) 1927: The designation of Nursing Services for Indian troops’ hospital was changed to Indian Military Nursing Service (IMNS) on 19 April 1927.
(h) 1940: Indian Military Nursing Services (Temporary) IMNS (T) was started to stop recruitment to permanent cadre of IMNS.
(i) 1941: Auxiliary Indian Nursing Service Reserve (AINSR) was formed and first batch joined on 24 Sep 1941 to maintain a reserve of nurses.
(j) 1943: Indian Military Nursing Service (IMNS) constituted in 1943 through IMNS ordinance 1943 issued on 15 Sep 1943.The members of the services became commissioned officers in Military Nursing Service (India).
(k) 1945: Relative ranks of Nursing Officers were regulated.
(l) 1950: The Military Nursing Service (MNS) in the present form was constituted through the Army Instruction 274/50. Ever since the Nursing Officers are commissioned in to the regular Army by the President of India
2. MNS is one of the key constituent of the Armed Forces Medical Services (AFMS) along with the Army Medical Corps (AMC) and Army Dental Corps (ADC). The method of selection, training, terms & conditions of service and employability of officers are same in all the three constituents of AFMS. Women Nursing Officers serve in the medical hospitals/ establishments of all the three wings of Indian Military namely Indian Army, Indian Navy and Indian Air Force.
3. The Nursing Officers of MNS have provided nursing care during the two World Wars, Four wars with Pakistan (1947, 1965, 1971 & 1998 Kargil War), 1962 Indo China War, have served with Indian Peace Keeping Force (IPKF), United Nations (UN) Mission and in the troubled states of Jammu & Kashmir and North Eastern Sector of the country.
4. At the outbreak of world war in 1914 there were just fewer than 300 nurses in the QAIMNS, by the end of the war this had raised to 10,404. The Army nurses served in Flanders, the Mediterranean, the Balkans, the Middle East and onboard hospital ships. Of the 200 plus army nurses died on active service, many were Indians.
5. Specialization: The Military Nursing Service (MNS) Officers are specialized in the following fields of nursing:
(i) Operation Theatre Nursing
(ii) Orthopedic Nursing
(iii) Oncology Nursing
(iv) Paediatric Nursing
(v) Psychiatric Nursing
(vi) Neurological Nursing
(vii) Cardio Vascular & Cardio Thoracic Surgical Nursing
(viii) Burns Nursing
(ix) Renal Nursing
(x) Paraplegic Nursing
(xi) Intensive Care Nursing
6. Shortage of MNS Officers and Workload: There is a 12 percent cadre deficiency/ shortage of officers in MNS which has an overall strength of 4500 Officers. This leads to over burden of workload on the already deficient MNS officers. In All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS) there are 2000 nurses for 1000 beds, whereas in Army Hospital Research & Referral (AHR&R) there are 196 Nursing Officers for 1000 beds (which does not account for absence of MNS officers on Annual Leave, Casual Leave, Maternity Leave, Child Care Leave, Sick Leave, Temporary Duty for Specialization Courses/ Deputation for UN Mission etc)
7. Nature of Duty for MNS Officers: Nature of Duties: The Military Nursing Officer is responsible for the complete nursing care of the patient assigned to her. The following duties would be shared with nursing students, if any and auxiliary staff such as Nursing Assistant, Ward Sahayikas and Housekeeping/Subordinate staff as the situation warrants:
(i) General Care Of The Patients:
(a) Admission and discharge of patient.
(b) Assistance and instructions to patient and their relations.
(c) Bathing patients including daily care of mouth, nails and pressure points.
(d) Four hourly or more frequent attention to pressure points.
(e) Giving and removing of bed pans and urine pots.
(f) Giving and removing of hot water bottle.
(g) Bed making.
(h) Feeding of patients and distribution of diets, milk etc.
(i) Preparation of special feeds, eggs, milk etc.
(j) Technical nursing care of patients.
(k) Administration of medicine.
(l) Administration of injections.
(m) Recording of medicines & injection given.
(n) Tallying and charting T.P.R.
(o) Rounds with doctor.
(p) Technical procedure e.g. enema catheterization, dressings irrigations O2 therapy, preparing for and clearing up after procedure.
(q) Preparation for and assistance in clinical tests and medical procedure. Pre and postoperative care.
(r) Urine testing.
(s) Collecting labeling and dispatching of specimens.
(t) Escorting patients to and from departments.
(u) Giving and receiving report
(ii) Ward Management:
(a) Total patient care and follow instructions of treating physicians/surgeons and carry out their orders efficiently.
(b) Handing over and taking over of each patient, bed to bed and all necessary equipments, drugs etc in the ward.
(c) Maintenance of therapeutic environment in the ward.
(d) Supervision over functions of subordinate staff
(e) Maintain cleanliness of wards and premises.
(f) Care of clean and soiled linen.
(g) Disinfection of linen, beds, floor and bed pans, and fumigation of rooms etc.
(h) Preparation of room, trolleys, and sets for procedures.
(i) Preparation of surgical procedures.
(j) Maintaining interpersonal relationship with patients, relatives and health team members.
(k) Orientation of new staff/students.
(l) Demonstration and guidance to student nurses & subordinate staff.
(m) Participation in staff education and staff meetings.
(n) Participation in professional activities.
(o) Proper waste management as per guidelines.
(p) Ensure safe custody of patient files and investigation reports, etc.
(q) Send samples of investigation and collection of reports through the computer system.
(r) All orders, admission/discharge/death//diet/transfer etc. through computer system.
(s) Check regularly and daily all emergency drugs, narcortic drugs, crash cart with check list and resuscitation equipments.
(t) Report expiry dates of Drugs and working condition of equipments. Keep everything in working order.
(u) Loss or damage of equipments during duty hours has to be informed to Medical Officer in Charge.
(v) To be vigilant regarding thefts in wards.
(w) Control the visitors in non-visiting hours inside the ward.
(x) Keep necessary materials available in the ward.
(y) Prepare mid night census of patients.
(z) Maintain strict discipline in Hospital Premises.
(aa)Any other duties assigned by the Superiors.
(bb) Nursing Officer is on shift duty but is available if required, even after end of the shift
(iii) General:
(a) Demonstration and guidance to student nurses and domestic staff.
(b) Supervision of subordinate staff.
(c) Assistance in orientation of new staff nurses.
(d) Participation in staff education and staff meeting.
(e) Participation in professional activities.
(f) Any other duty that may be assigned from time to time
8. Hectic Duty Hours: The MNS Officers have a very hectic daily work schedule and need to perform duties, working hours schedule and duration of which keeps varying depending upon the type of duties they are performing. This necessitates frequent adjustment on the part of these Officers which has to be psychological, physiological and also as per day to day family obligations and routine. This is often very demanding and physically and mentally draining as well. The variety of duties are:
(i) Day Duty: The day duty is performed alternatively as long duty and short duty by MNS officers as per following working hours/duration:
Long Duty: From 0730 hrs to 1930 Hrs with 02 hours break for Lunch (12 Hours)
Short Duty: From 0730 Hrs to 1300 Hrs ( 05.30 hours)
(ii) Night Duty: From 1930 Hrs to 0730 Hrs on next day (12 Hours). The night duty roster is completed compulsorily once in cycle of 30 to 45 days by each MNS officer for a period of 15 days on a stretch depending upon availability of staff.
9. Carrying out of continuous and exhaustive night duties are unique to Officers of MNS Corps only as no other Commissioned Officers in Indian Armed Forces are made to perform their professional duties at night for such a long period/duration of time on a stretch. At the most the other commissioned officers are made to perform one duty of miscellaneous nature during night once in a cycle of one or more month’s time. Another significant difference about night duty is that while in case of other commissioned officers arrangement is made and provision exists for them to sleep beyond a limit of working hours, in case of MNS Officers they have to do night duty without any break and sleep. They get a weekly day off, which is by rule only on a day of short duty i.e. effectively reducing day off to a half day and thus adding around 05 more working hours towards weekly total of 49.5 hrs [i.e. 49.5+ 05 = 54.5]. This adds to around 55 hrs of working in a week apart from usual time of handing / taking over for a MNS officer.
10. However it is with great concern I would like to bring to your notice a deliberate attempt and well thought of plan by the Army Commanders to discriminate against the women Nursing Officers of MNS and to diminish their stature as against other counterparts commissioned in the defense forces of the country. The following developments which have either taken place or are planned would highlight the stated point:
(a) Withdrawal of Flying Of Car Flag And Display Of Star Plates on the official vehicles in accordance with the rank of the officer (for Brig and above) have been withdrawn since 2004 for MNS Officers.
(b) Duplicity/ Ambiguous Stand On Provision Of Army Act for Disciplinary Matters Vis- A- Vis Status As a Commissioned Officer: While for all disciplinary matters including provision of dismissal from service the MNS officers are considered to be under Army Act, 1950 and action taken accordingly, but for status standpoint it is arbitrarily argued that the Military Nursing Service (MNS) officers are not covered under the definition of officer as given in the Army Act, 1950.
(c) Making Passing Out/Commission Parade For MNS Officers A Low Key Affair:- Previously it used to be a full fledged parade, Adjutant General from AHQ, a Senior Administrative Officer from HQ/Command HQ or Corps HQ being the Chief Guest. Now it is relegated to a function in the auditorium being commissioned by either a commandant or the MG Medical.
(d) Reduction in Course Duration and Training for MNS Officers:- The course duration of Basic Nursing Officers Course (BNOC) /SNOC have been reduced. This has a negative impact on professional growth and opportunities. Weapon training has been discontinued
(e) Discontinuation of Arms/Weapons Training to MNS officers: This has been done in order to reduce their Military bearing.
(f) Proper Respect/Courtesy Not Paid To Additional Director General Military Nursing Service (ADGMNS) As Per Protocol:- Many reported incidents of not according due respect/courtesy to Additional Director General Military Nursing Service (ADGMNS) as warranted by protocol during various official functions/Seminars/events.
(g) Non Inclusion Of Additional Director General Military Nursing Service (ADGMNS) In The Promotion Board Member:- Additional Director General Military Nursing Service (ADGMNS) is not included as a member in the Promotion Board for the promotion to the rank of Major General and Brigadiers of MNS. They are allowed to be a member of Board of Promotion for the promotion to the rank of Colonel only. This effectively diminishes the functioning of ADGMNS within MNS Corps.
(h) Writing of Annual Confidential Report of MNS Officers: The ACR’s of MNS officers is now being written by Medical Officers instead of Senior Nursing Officers.
(i) Suspension of issue of certificate of commission for MNS Officers by the President of India.
(j) Reduction In Pay Grade and Pay Band and Disparity in Pay & Allowances and Travel Entitlements: The MNS officers have been treated unfairly with respect to entitlements of pay and allowances and also Travel entitlements. This has been done in the following manner:
(i) The MNS officers were previously entitled for G Form as a part of their travel entitlement. But this was arbitrarily changed and MNS officers were given Concession Voucher (CV) in lieu of G form / D Form, just like Personnel Below Officers Rank (PBOR’s).This decision was a huge let down for MNS officers.
(ii) The following recommendations of VI Central Pay commission duly accepted by Government of India has not been implemented till date and no notification issued:
(a) That the pay band and grade pay of similarly designated regular service officer’s cadre and MNS cadre should be same.
(b) That the time bound promotion up to Lt Col of MNS Officers should also be available as applicable to other regular service officers i.e. promotion to Lt Col on completion of 13 years of service
(k) Change Of Olive Green Uniform For MNS Officers To Dark Beige Uniform: to give them a Distinct Dress Code then other Commissioned Officers. There is a possible move/attempt to further change it to western style white color frock.
(l) Taking Over of Mess Premises: At many places the Nursing Officers Mess have been taken over by the Unit authorities.
(m) No Management Courses Sponsored In The Premier Management Institutes Of The Country: such as IIM’s for post retirement settlement of MNS Officers by Director General Resettlement, unlike other commissioned officers.
(n) Provision Of Resident Telephone To Lt Col In Army: As per Government of India (MoD) order in 2010 all officers holding the rank of Lt Col are provided with resident telephone from army sources but this facility is not being extended to officers holding same rank in MNS.
(o) Formation of MNS Corps has eluded the MNS Officers, whereas our neighbouring countries and the third world nations have already formed own Army Nursing Corps.
(p) Refusal To Grant Membership Of Defence Service Officers Institutes /Clubs To MNS Officers: The major Defense Officers Clubs in Delhi such as DSOI, Taurus Officers Institute (TOI) etc in Delhi have made rules and regulations which do not allow Nursing Officers to become a member and therefore bars them and their family members to avail its facilities. This is happening all over the country wherever Defense Officers Clubs exist. When Nursing Officers can get pay of an officer and are authorized for Government Officers accommodation, then how can they and their children be stopped from using the facilities of Defense Officers clubs?
(q) In addition measures like segregating the accommodation of MNS officers, change in their rank insignias, change in designations, and introduction of changes in surety bond for training are also envisaged or in the pipeline to further erode the morale and stature of MNS officers.
11. It is evident that the above measures has not only resulted in a negative impact on the morale of every individual officer of MNS but by downgrading their status in the defense forces it would discourage many youngster to join such a selfless service in the near future if the same is not addressed at the earliest.
12. What Could be Done Immediately by Ministry of Defense:
(a) Expectation from VII Central Pay Commission (CPC): As the VII CPC appointed by the Government of India (GoI) under the Chairmanship of Justice Ashok Kumar Mathur under a resolution dated 28 Feb 2014 is likely to submit its recommendation shortly to the Government of India, the officers of MNS are hoping that:
(i) All women officers of MNS may be granted the same Grade Pay, Pay Band and MSP which is entitled to Officers of Army. This includes:
(a) Grant of same grade pay to the Officers of MNS (from Capt to Major Gen) as applicable for other officers of the Army.
(b) Grant of MSP Rs 6000 to all Officers of MNS from Lt to Brig and revised pay fixation for Mai Gen of MNS considering MSP Rs 6000
(c) Place the Officers of MNS of the rank of Lt Col on Pay Band -4.
(d) The pensioners’ benefits of all the retired Officers of MNS shall accordingly be revised based on enhanced Grade Pay, Pay band and MSP.
(e) Implementation of already notified ACP for MNS officers up to the rank of Lt Col as available for the other officers (and stop the dilution to time bound promotions in the name of cadre review dated 26 Aug 2010).
(ii) Changes enforced with regard to issue of Concession Voucher (CV) to MNS officers in lieu of G form / D Form is reverted/ restored.
(b) Contingent Of Lady Officers Of Militray Nursing Services (MNS) At Republic Day Parade: It is surprising that despite the above there has been no contingent till date of lady officers of Military Nursing Service in the Republic Day Parade on 26 January which has been a regular feature since 1950 and at Rajpath since 1955. Every year contingents of different regiments of Army, Air Force, Indian Navy, para military forces (like BSF/CRPF/ITBP/CISF/Assam Rifles etc), NCC and Police have been parading at Rajpath but we are yet to see a contingent of lady officers of Military Nursing Services (MNS) parading at the Rajpath during Replublic Day Parade.
(c) Establishment of Military Nursing Services Academy/Nursing Academy:
The Indian Defense services has various academy for the training of its Officers Cadets such as National Defence Academy (NDA) at Khadagvasla, Pune,Maharashtra for Army/Navy/Air Force, Indian Military Acaemy (IMA) at Dehradun,Uttarakhand and Officers Training Academy (OTA) at Chennai,Tamil Nadu for Army, Indian Naval Academy at Ezhimala,Kannur Kerala for Navy, Air Force Academy at Dundigal, Telengana for Air Force.
Even Police in India have a Sardar Vallabbahi Patel National Police Academy at Sivarampalli, Hyderabad, Telangana for IPS Officers and there is a Lal Bahadur National Academy of Administration at Massoorie,Uttrakhand for Civil services officers of IAS/IPS &IFS.
However the country does not have either a single Nursing Academy or a Military Nursing Services (MNS) Academy for nursing professionals despite nursing being a such a specialised field. Currently Nursing professionals of Indian defence are trained at various nursing schools attached with various Military Hospitals across the country. This arrangement results in variation in training standard of nursing staff and lack of coordination among training staff. An Academy for nursing professionals would result in uniformity in training of nurses who would serve throughout the country, centralised resources for training purpose, maintenance of standard of nursing and even training of foreign nurses in the country.
Beautiful sir…..nothing could be better than the history and details of such a service that has been provided…..expectations from modi govt to rectify this anomaly…!
क्या कहा जाये अब तक के राज में और आगे आगे देखिए होता भी है कुछ या इस गुबारे कि हवा भी यूँही फुस
These types of double standard policies are not new but still when we are talking about so devotional profession it is very annoying that they are still fighting for their basic befits.
Things can change but not without the interference of our Ministry of Defence.should take it seriously
Sad state of affairs. रक्षक बने भक्षक. Can it be called a gender bias ?
The medical officers have not imagined the dire consequences !
Modi ji ka beti bachoo beti pedalo
aviyan tabhi safal mana jayga
jab dish ki in jabaj betiyo ka adhikar
Dear commander yudhishter Singh
Good evening very very grateful to know that MNS are still regarded.
Need of the hour in health sector is enhancing the knowledge of nurses. Empowerment to make a difference in the patients lives who are solely trusted on the MNS as gar as the army is concerned the immediate kith and kin when a soldier falls sick is the MNS who are not o ly the nurses they are also mothers and daughters,sisters they r also human beings which so much of emotional attachment very indianness.
Thanx a lot sir MNS team salutes u for the concern.
कमांडर युधिष्ठर सिंह ( अवकाश प्राप्त) ने बहुत विस्तार से जिक्र किया है। आशा है पाठक इस संवेदनशील विषय पर अपनी प्रतिक्रिया देंगे।
धन्यवाद सिंह साहब
Astonishing facts about MNS…..commendable servises by the members of the corps….yet higher top brasses of services and ministers in authority are blind n deaf..WHY ???? Is it just bcoz its women in India ???? MCPs in society not ready to face equality of women power OK knowledge,strength n sacrifice or the profession is still looked down as menial job in India…Wake up Indians..Wake up to the equality in uniform..Wake your conscious up to give up your jeolous n selfish self towards MNS…embrace n appreciate their deeds,respect them for who they are n what they do for you when u need it most to save your life on sick bed…hats off to MNS officers…
More and more MNS officers and those sympathetic to their cause should become active on social media such as Twitter and facebook etc to raise their concern and issues troubling the MNS Officers.
No one (including media) will take a note of their valid demands unless all of them esp those who have already retired raise the voice in a positive way. After all fighting for just cause and well deserve status is no crime at all.
I would request our ministry to look in to this and act lets not wait for the disaster to struck and then act as is the habbit of Indians, they only act after emergency arises even if one is not aware of the history of nurses in Army it is been explained in length by Commander Yudhister Singh hope to find amicable solution to long lingering problem. I’m sure this will only be solved when one will rise above their male ego to understand why females are called weaker sex coz they are the only ones who can handle weak peoples ego look forward to hear that people take notice of this problem least it goes beyond repair.You can certainly make unsatisfied people to work but at whose cost and what you are putting at stake.I hope someone will certainly rise above all to act on “BETI BACHAO”
thank you commander yudhister singh(retd) and shri satish lakhera ji for writing about MNS plight god forbid if this happens military hospitals of our country will go to dogs
We are hoping a better decision from the present goverment during women enpowerment year.
Need of the hour..
Is to perform our duties with dignity..im sure that a darker night has a brighter morning…
I thank the author and sir for ur valuable concern
Ye to sb KO pata hai ke MNS KO ek army act ke and nahe layak jata or AMC k barabar nahe laya jata kyu ki AMC me 24 hrs ke duty hai or MNS me Sirf 8 gnta ya 12 PR AMC ke koi kuch Na pata KB or kitna kya kitna kuch to mil gaya ek gnm kiya hua ladka ho ya ladke civil me 5 hjar me job krta hai or ek gnm ke hue ladke 70000 Se start kr rahe hai vahe emergency trauma care technician and nursing assistant 12 hrs ke duty or fir 4 hrs ke night duty pt working pvt ppt Sahe ka hisa Sahe kam Jo MNS ek Lady patient ke krte hai baje ek Jens patient ke care ETCT Or NA KARTA hai or ek doctor MBBS kr ke Aata hai or ek nurse sir 1ke bad GNM aap he batao kya got kiya hai in ke sath sb KO bura lagata hai unke auction ka akr same work load ho or kam km paisa Jada sbne bol diya MNS KO officer ka HK do to nursing technician KO kya de
Why this type of dicrimination with only Nursing officers. After serving for 15 yrs I’ve been going to private hospitals for treatment of self and family. There was a provision of medical treatment for self and family but I was told this treatment is available only for personals drawing pension. Could any one enlighten me on this. . Further I would like to compliment my Corp for the confidence and independent emergency treatments carried by our compitent staff where in hundreds of lives have been saved by prompt actions. kEEP YOUR SPIRITS ALIVE???????
Thanks Mr Satish for bringing forward discrimination towards MNS,and cdr youdhister for the history and their role towards humanity,nothing could be better than this
Article is an eye opener for all the aspiring candidates who join this field unaware of the treatment. Thanks respected Satish Lakhera ji . My heartiest applause.
Thanks to all ……
Thank you Yudhishter sir, salute to u sir
being a nurse I can understand how hectic schedules we have to follow… I thought these schedules were for govt. hospitals only Bt I am shocked to know that MNS officers suffer the same…
thanks to commander yudhistir Singh for such an eye opening reality…
सेना, केंद्र व राज्य सरकार के अस्पताल और निजी क्षेत्र में सेवारत नर्सिंग कार्य से जुडी महिलायें जब तक मुखर, निडर होकर अपने अधिकारों के लिए एकजुट नहीं होंगी तब तक यही हालात रहेंगे।
Thanks Satish Sir for writing on such a sensitive topic hope for the best
Fantastic artical thanks to Mr Satish Lakhera sir for raising so sensitive issue
Hope for the best
Really an eye opening artical hoping for the best.
Sir keep on writing.
शुक्रिया आप सभी का, सेना के भीतर भेदभाव वह भी महिलाओं के साथ। यह भेदभाव केवल मेडिकल कोर के पुरुष अधिकारियों ( मेडिकल अफसर यानी सेना के डॉक्टर ) द्वारा जारी है। आश्चर्य है कि दिनरात साथ में देशसेवा करने वाले डॉक्टर कितने संकीर्ण और क्रूर हैं।
बहुत ही सवेदनशील मुद्दा आपके द्वारा उठाया गया है सर,समाज मैं आज भी ये भेद भाव जीवित है यह बहुत ही दुखद है।
आशा है उपरोक्त विषय पर हमारी सरकारें गम्भीरता से विचार करेंगी।
Nice Artical Sir I hope it could divert attention of higher authorities towards this un equality.
Sir I want one new point may be this is unknown for all of u.
In army medical corps one another catigory that is male nurse (NT jco).which is almost posted in CI and field area and adverse condition and also posted in MH and UN also.in field area they also relieve Medical officer in RR unit and other regiment which can’t do female nurse. But they are not getting any patients care allow once and his Gd pay is 4200 or 4600/- only.in other corps one vech mech getting x gp payment.but these male nurse jco not getting any x gp benifits and other NPA or allowances. these male nurse jco In army doing extra job like – unit administration duty day and night extra from his professional duty which female nurse can’t do or not doing these extra work .but male nurse in army is male so nobody support and nobody intersted to place him x gp ‘NPA ‘which is female nurse getting.
2-female nurse getting 10500/- msp in 7 CPC but these male nurse is getting only 5200/-
Now tell me who
Nursing officer ka gread pe kitna h
Mns के इस ज्वलन्त मुद्दे को उठाने के लिए लखेड़ा को बहुत बहुत बधाई । हा इन लोगो के साथ भेदभाव तो बहुत होता है । लेकिन एक बात भी गौर करने लायक ये भी है कि नर्सिंग जैसे प्रोफिशन को अधिकारी रैंक क्यों दिया गया । अब तो इनके नर्सिंग सेवा का दायरा भी अधिकारियों तक ही सिमट गया है ।
Mns के इस ज्वलन्त मुद्दे को उठाने के लिए लखेड़ा जी को बहुत बहुत बधाई । हा इन लोगो के साथ भेदभाव तो बहुत होता है । लेकिन एक बात भी गौर करने लायक ये भी है कि नर्सिंग जैसे प्रोफिशन को अधिकारी रैंक क्यों दिया गया । अब तो इनके नर्सिंग सेवा का दायरा भी अधिकारियों तक ही सिमट गया है । ये भी एक विचारणीय प्रश्न है
M.negi sir .ur point is carrect .NT jcos and MNC syallbus also same.but pay are different .NA also posted fd.mh.ch.un mission .doing army extra duties .so why pay differance .any one can tell me..