Freelance journalist, ex Spokesperson BJP, uttarakhand and ex media advisor to CM uttarakhand.
Youth icon Yi Report
The corps of military Nursing service is celebrating its 91th raising day. Today every Indian is elated with the successful surgical strike by the Indian Army on Pakistan, and on the other hand the corps of MNS has dedicated it’s day to the Uri martyrs. This year nursing officers will not celebrate their raising day. This is a team spirit and a true homage to the families of the departure soldiers rendered by the MNS officers. On every corps day, the MNS officers are appreciated for dedicated & compassionate nursing care by the senior officers of all three services. Each one in the armed forced recognizes the magnitude of nursing officers in health care team except the Army Medical Corps, which always discriminates the MNS officers and try to suppress them. It’s a very serious issue in regards to hurting women empowerment. Recently our country had a very proud moment when the first three women fighter pilots of India got commissioned into the Indian Airforce. These three lady pilots- Bhawna from Bihar, Awani from Madhya Pradesh & Rajasthan’s Mohana indeed made each Indian and more every woman feel proud. They were highly praised by PM & the Defence Minister. They called it a milestone in Indian history.

There is a wave of woman empowerment during this governance. It’s astonishing that today Indian Army has 1436 lady officers, Airforce has1331(94 pilots) & navy has 413 women officers amounting to 3180 lady officers, whereas the MNS corps has apprx 5000 officers right from rank of Lt to Maj Gen. Still no recognition is given to them.
MNS officers follow the strict military discipline as any other corps and work shoulder to shoulder with AMC corps. This is the only corps in the Indian Army which has the woman brigade to carry out their tasks.but the AMC officers have never represented the status,respect,salary& uniform which MNS officers rightly deserve. DGMS office has never represented any officer on MNS corps in resolving the issues related to women( nursing) officers. The discrimination is revealed only once the retired nursing offrs fight for their rights. They have always been supressed and deprived of their right by AMC.
The oldest women corps of India,MNS is going through extreme humiliation & segregation. Inspite of being posted to extreme weather condition and counterinsurgency area,they are not at par with other offrs in terms of basic pay,military service pay, grade pay and pay band 4. The responsible top army brass assumes that MNS officers are less capable in military training, then they should know that AMC offrs dnt go through gorilla training either.
PM Modi enforces on women empowerment. The MNS corps also deserves a recognition &salutation for their untiring nursing care to the soldiers & their families in all conditions.
*Satish Lakhera
Copyright: Youth icon Yi National Media, 01.10.2016
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You have spoken our mind sir. We have been working should to shoulder rather much more yet we are right behind when it comes to our benefits and welfare.
Thanks for your time and consideration
Well said. The personals don’t know about corps of MNS . It’s a very sad ? thing. It’s the Nursing officers who take great care of the wounded soldiers & bring them back to their normal life. So many Nursing officers live away from their family rules & regulations are applicable, but not d recognition. I only hope Honourable PM Mr Narendra Modi will be able to take a note of it. Jai hind .
Thanks a ton for empowering us..n depicting our true status Atleast reading this people should realise the injustice done to our corps.Heartfelt thankxSatish
We definitely need a change of attitude in AMC Officers’ . They need to accept MMS Officers’ contributions in the hospitals.
Absolutely you’ve nailed the truth. The work of MNS Officers goes unrecognized at all levels. By this the male chauvinistic attitude despite them denying about it, is what is projected . No credence for d long working hours, hard work, staff shortage, family separation, night shifts, field postings is ever thought about.
Women empowerment is jst another word in d dictionary as far as MNS Offrs are concerned. PM Sir can we expect that you are even remotely concerned about ths Corps?
Thanks…being great professionals not being recognised yet…need people like you …
Thanks a million Mr Satish..In brief you have given a crystal clear picture of MNS Officers. AMC offrs are the root cause of our downfall. Do not know how to escape from their hands. Only like you good people can do something like this. Once again thanks…may God bless you.
Thanks a million Mr Satish… In brief you have given a crystal clear picture of MNS Officers. Yes i agree 100% this AMC offrs are the root cause of our downfall…sure i think they have learnt a lesson through 7th pay commission…thanks once again for raising the voice for all of us. May GOD bless you
Its nt abt women empowerment,atleast give respect dat we r also working for our country as amc works
The AFMS (AMC, ADC & MNS) will be the strongest force, in case we decide to unit.
But just because of the jealousy of AMC officers, the Dental got separated for their (ADC’s) good.
Now when the 7th Pay commission came and the DACPA is still not accepted by the authorities, the doc corps are facing and understanding how it feels to be ditched by our own organisation. Till now they were so busy cutting the very branch upon which they are sitting.
Similarly the AFMS (docs included) are facing discrimination everywhere from the fighting arms.
Had we (the three branches of AFMS and even RVC) been united, no force can marginalise AFMS like this.
Instead they teach the jawans not to respect the MNS officers and degrade them as muh as possible. And they claim to be gentle men officers. Is it not irony? Can a gentle man ever disrespect a lady? Leave alone lady officer?? ?
Thanks to the journalist for highlighting the solidarity displayed by the MNS Corps. Am sure the other Corps’s will try to bring it under the wraps than highlighting this.
2015 RDC, which displayed Women Empowerment by commanding the contingents by Women Officers and exclusive contingent of Women Officers, should have been apt time and launching pad for introducing the MNS Corps as well.
The one and only Corps in the Indian Military (Army/Navy/ Air Force) is the MNS Corps and yet there is no representation in the RDC Parade. How can this be neglected and left unnoticed.
My humble request to Hon PM Modi, Def Min & the all the Chief’s is to consider this request. Modi ji, MNS ko achha din aap ka netruthv mae ana chahiye aur aye ga bhi. Yeh hamara vishwas hai. Vishwas ko math thodna.
Jai Hind !
Thank you so much sir..wot you spoke is the sad reality….we are fighting for our right. But the situation remains the same.
We are speechless sir… How come you know so much about us??? Extremely thankful to you Sir for keeping such painful and sensitive issue but a very harsh truth in front and catching everybody’s attention.. We want to put up this matter to prime minister.. Please help us..
We with you lady are our proud.I salute for your courageous service.jai hind
my seniors teachers batchmates nd juniors Happy Raising day greetings to u all
happy raising day greetings