Poorness and Unemployment Powerful terrorist in present generation ..!

If we talk about poorness and unemployment .i think we r not progressing. Still in present generation we r suffering from these problems,which makes india embarssing as compare to america or other devloped countries.
2nd things- goverment did not provide the facillities in govt sectors.thats the reason every one choosing private sector in case of any field such as hospitals,schools, offices etc.
So we need to make improvment.

Its a very shameful for us the pepoles are dying the cause of chickengunia or maleria or such as the normal disease in present generation.when we are having the popular doctors.why the pepoles are dying ? No one have the answer.
3 rd …. corruption is the more responsible for above problems. Leaders, doctors,schools any other department are still corrupted.doctors not selling the medicine with “generic name” .they are selling the medicines with english name.english name is unique.if u want to buy a medicines from othor stores u will not get with english name.but if u will buy medicines with generic name then u will get easily and it will not be costly also.
In schools the education is selling by institutes and reputed schools.its like a open bid.then what will do a poor man?
When the voting time is on leaders are appearing but after completion of voting they forgot all promises .so how the poor man will survive in these cases?
So the poorness is the biggest fight for us.
*कुलदीप चंदोला
Copyright: Youth icon Yi National Media, 25.09.2016
यदि आपके पास भी है कोई खास खबर तो, हम तक भिजवाएं । मेल आई. डी. है – shashibhushan.maithani@gmail.com मोबाइल नंबर – 7060214681 , 9756838527 और आप हमें यूथ आइकॉन के फेसबुक पेज पर भी फॉलो का सकते हैं । हमारा फेसबुक पेज लिंक है – https://www.facebook.com/YOUTH-ICON-Yi-National-Award-167038483378621/
यूथ आइकॉन : हम न किसी से आगे हैं, और न ही किसी से पीछे ।
Chandola जी आपने बहुत ही अच्छा विषय चुना है परंतु किसी को ये जानकारी नहि है की दावा का जेनेरिक मूल्य काम नहि है जेनेरिक पर ज़्यादा मूल्य होता है और वो केमिस्ट पर निर्भर है की वो क्या मूल्य लगाता है गुणवत्ता का कोई भरोसा नहि मई यह कहना चाहता हूँ की जब सबको पता है जेनेरिक सस्ती होती है तो उसका m r p कम क्यों नहि है ये सिर्फ़ corporate की शाजिस है जो नेताओं के साथ मिलकर आम जनता को लूटा जा रहा है जैन औषधि केंद्री के नाम पर क्योंकि दवा का मूल्य निर्धारित करना सरकार का काम है और जब जेनेरिक है तो मूल्य अधिक क्यों
बिल्कुल ठीक बात है आपकी क्योकि केमिस्ट तो Mrp पर् ही दवाई देता है
और ये कंट्रोल तो सरकार को ही करना है
Kuldeep very well said I am fully agreed with u
Main problem is this only curruption and dirty politics
Nicely written Kuldeep Chandola ji
I think sm how we d public is also responsible fr increasing corruption.When we have d opportunity to select or firm a new government we are just ignoring d major issues.
Its a big lack of Awareness too.
Kuldeep well said :-
“EveryThings are currupted”
really we need to stop to use of medicine at mrp.
well said chandolaji
bilkul sahi
dirty poltics